Build Portals
Learn how to build customized portals in Zapier for clients, customers, and employees.
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Apps in Zapier
Learn the fundamentals for building apps and tools in Zapier so that you know how to approach building new ideas.
Choose your portal
Learn about the two main ways to build portals in Zapier and decide which one is right for you.

Simple portal: Tables + Interfaces
Build one portal for multiple clients. Ideal for clients with only one project and one consolidated set of tasks.
Advanced portal: Tables + Interfaces
Build one portal for each client. Ideal for clients with multiple projects and multiple sets of tasks.
Interfaces branding + settings
Learn how to add custom colors, a navigation bar, and adjust other settings for Zapier Interfaces.

Zaps + automation
Learn how to build the brain behind the portal and discover ideas and inspiration for how to take your portal to the next level.